We are one body with many members, each member using their gifts. We'd love for you to join a team at CT. There are also ways you can serve local organizations and even missions around the world.
Love God, Love Others
Love God, Love Others
We are one body with many members, each member using their gifts. We'd love for you to join a team at CT. There are also ways you can serve local organizations and even missions around the world.
serving CT
Serving Locally
We’d love to invite you to join us as we seek to extend a loving hand to everyone in and around our neighborhood. Below is a list of ministries that can connect with.
Hope Clinic - www.hopeclinicfree.org
Elizabeth's Hope - www.thereishopetoday.org
Seeds of Hope - www.seedsofhopeohio.com
Love INC - www.loveinc.org
Mercy Homes of Ohio - www.mercyhomeohio.org
serving Globaly
We support missionaries all across the globe. Periodically we organize mission trips to these locations. If you are interested in serving on a mission team we'd love to add your name to list and let you know when we plan a trip.
email us info@churcht.org